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“Snakes on an Astral Plane – Our columnist braves a ritualistic encounter with boa constrictors.” NYT 2019
Here’s a throwback to an insightful New York Times article by Marisa Meltzer relating her first snake massage experience. Amazing art by Rebecca Bird!
“Serpentessa is working her magic!” Whoopi (The View)
Sss… I am Serpentessa, a snake priestess witch, a.k.a. an inter-species facilitator with a specialty in Boa Constrictors.
What I know: Life offers no guarantees, but lots of lessons, transformation and adventures.
What I do: With my Snake teachers, I impact people by igniting awe and mystery in their lives. You get present, evolve your power and embody deep bliss.
My pledge to You: Your reactions, choices and responses are always respected.
more about Serpentessa

Awe-striking snake encounters unlock the secrets of instinctual presence, empowering you to navigate emotional challenges in the midst of our chaotic modern world.
Inquire HERE for bookings.
Ready to Grow? EMBRACE THE IMPOSSIBLE to manifest your Desires.
• V.I.P Snake Retreat
• For Snake Massage, ENTER HERE!
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T H E S N A K E : A K E Y T O E M O T I O N A L I N T E L L I G E N C E