Snake Massage Testimonies

“I lay with the snakes as if hidden under a blanket of leaf litter against the dark generative skin of all-giving earth. There was no rush to do anything. There was only becoming. And then being still. And then becoming again. There was no perceptible movement. And then things had changed. This was the snake time that Serpentessa had told me about.” ~ LL, NY
“I was privileged to experience a wonderful snake massage with five of Serpentessa’s amazing, beautiful snakes. Being with these instinctive creatures took me down a loving inner path of serenity and oneness with my ancient Self, connecting me with my body’s deepest instincts and healing awareness in a truly profound way.” ~ LS, VA |
“The work with the snakes brought a sense of calm and trust to my PTSD self.” ~ JC, NJ |
“I am writing to thank you for the unique and sacred work you do in the world with snakes. For me I have a deep visceral response in my body where I feel energy release, more grounded and relaxed. In my mind, I become still which is to me a powerful meditation. I feel the snakes communicate on such a basic level with us that is so simple yet so profound! My heart, mind and belly are full and I felt peace and joy for days long after our session.” ~ MM, NH |
“Don’t I look like someone that just got a massage? All starry eyed and dreamy? Because I just did! Spiritually, physically, & sensually! Delicious!” ~ LM NY |
“What you and your snakes do cannot be put into words! It has to be experienced.” ~ KM, NY |
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(Due to privacy preferences, Testimonies & Images may not be related throughout website. But each has been offered freely to share publicly).